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This is a photo I took while in was in sweden. The car is an old vintage Volvo which really fits in with the forest.
Sweden was really fun and had great food and theres tons of nature and wildlife to explore an get pictures.
I would reccomend Sweden to anyone who loves nature good food and lots of memories.

This is a photo I took while I was in France of a man walking past a bike in the main city.
France is one of my favorite places ive visited so far the hospitality from everyone has been amazing.
Being here is like taking a time machine bag to the 70s because of the old architecture.

This is a photo I took in japan a couple of years ago while I was in Japan. I was looking for food in the city and found jyself in an alleyway and had to take a picture.
Its hard to communicate in japan but it really is one of the coolest places you can visit.
And the food is very good and authentic.

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This is a photo I took in Italy while I was on vacation. You can really see the old architecture mixed with the more modern architecture.
The trip was great and the people were great. Theres a cool land mark to look at almost every block and everyone i talked to there loves it.
. I also went to an amazing museuem there and saw some amazing paintings and photos.

This is a photo I took while I was In paris on my favorite trip ive taken so far.
It was amazing seeing the tower as you can see in the photo.
It was even more amazing then seeing the statue of liberty when I was on my new york trip.
But in paris the food and especially the breaded food was very good.

This is a photo I took crossing the bridge into newy york city. I am from new york so it might be a diffrent expierience for someone who hasn't lived there.
And even though I grew up in new york it was still upstate new york so taking a trip to the city is still somehwat special.
I wish people took care of the city better because It really does have so much potential as a city.

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